This is a short summary of the legislation that applies to our sector:

ROYAL DECREE 226/2008, 15th February, by which the conditions that rule the application of the European Community regulations for marketing eggs are controlled.

REGULATION (CE) Nº 589/2008 of the Commission, 23rd June 2008, by which the dispositions that apply to the regulation (CE) Nº 1234/2007 of the Council are established relative to the rules for the marketing of eggs.

REGULATION (CE) Nº 298/2008 of the Commission, 24th June 2008, that modifies the Regulation (CE) Nº 589/2008 by which the dispositions in the application for the Regulations (CE) Nº 1234/2007 of the Council in reference to the rules for the marketing of eggs.

REGULATION 1234/2007 of the Council that creates a common poultry market organization and establishes specific dispositions for specific poultry products.

REGULATIONS 852/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council, 29th April 2004, relative to the sanitation of food products.

Regulation (CE) Nº 853/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council, 29th April 2004, by which specific rules for the sanitation of food of animal origin are established.

Regulation (CE) Nº 854/2004 of the European Parliament and the Council, 29th April 2004, by which specific rules for the organization of official control on the products of animal origin for human consumption are established.

DAGU S.A.'s laboratory has been authorized by the Health Department to perform sanitary analysis of substances and products relative to food and environmental Health, as determined in the Royal Decree 43/2003, 8th April, and by the Department of Agriculture, to perform self-controls of the sanitary programmes for the monitoring and control of Salmonella in the farms for layers, breeders and broilers.