Egg croquettes


Boil 6 eggs for 10-12 minutes. Submerge in cold water, peel and cut in halves. Cut these halves into three parts.

Prepare the béchamel heating the oil in a large frying pan, stir in the flour, gradually stir in the milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thickened.

Add salt and cook for 8-9 minutes over medium heat stirring constantly. Chill the mixture and with 2 tablespoons wrap the pieces of egg in the béchamel, shaping the croquettes and leaving them in a slightly oiled dish. Chill for about an hour. Then roll in beaten egg and breadcrumbs and fry in hot oil until nicely brown.


Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.


6 hard boiled eggs and 2 slightly beaten eggs
¾ litre of milk
Olive oil for frying
4 tablespoons of flour
3 tablespoons of oil
Chopped parsley